Follow BLOCH's guide to getting performance ready for your best show yet!
There's nothing quite like the buzz of performance day. You’re nervous. You’re excited. You don't want to let the corps de ballet or your competition team down by forgetting the steps, or that last minute formation change. Plus, you want to do your best and stand out amongst the rest of the dance group.
Until the curtain goes up, the pressure can feel overwhelming, but don't fret, as the best way to feel confident is to be prepared, and for that you've come to the right place. Follow our three top tips for getting performance ready!
1. Double-check your dance bag
Did you remember to pack every piece of your costumes? The right dance shoes? Tights? The pressure of show day will inevitably cause some anxiety to surface, but being organised will calm those nerves and ease any unwelcome stress come morning.
To make sure you're fully prepared for every eventuality, load your dance bag with all of our BLOCH performance essentials: dancewear, hair kit, dance tights (including spare pairs for those unforeseen snags) makeup, a sewing kit and plenty of energising snacks. Before you leave for the theatre, double-check you've packed everything on our checklist to prevent any last minute worries.

2. Get plenty of rest
It's completely normal to feel nervous the night before an anticipated performance — even a principal dancer can experience stress. What's important is how you channel those nerves, and prime your body and mind for success before the curtain call. The day before, you'll most likely take part in class and last minute rehearsals, so make sure you stay hydrated to be at the top of your game. The night before the big day, try to have a light dinner and go to bed early if you're able to — you'll want to feel fresh, focused and ready for the stage, and getting an early night is the best way of doing so.
3. Warm-up properly
On the day of your performance
— before you have a run-through or rehearsal on stage
— make sure you've properly stretched. Keep your muscles warm and ready to move by wearing our
Warm Up Booties, which will also keep your
ballet shoes sparkling en route to the theatre. A neck warmer or a
jumpsuit are also handy pre-performance essentials for prepping your muscles properly. What's more, the venue might have the air-conditioning cranked up high and so the extra layers will help your body to stay loose and warm.

...and most importantly, remember to enjoy the moment!
Since finding the perfect leotard, the best-fitting jazz shoe, or your favourite ballet skirt that made you feel like a real ballerina. Since your very first dance class. Your discipline and passion have led you to this moment so don't underestimate your readiness. Take a deep breath and enjoy all your hard work. You've got this!
BLOCH wishes you the best of luck in your performance! Make sure you're fully prepared by shopping our full range of performance essentials.